Well, this article says less and less people are (projected) reading books - in the near future... based upon the amount of media sales per year... which sounds kind of skewed.
Lots of people buy used books, which can't be tracked, etc... or get free ones via multiple sources. Even though I disagree with how the article comes to its conclusion... I believe the article's conclusions are very true - that people are reading less and less -- of the good stuff. It seems like magazines, blogs, and American Idol have taken over. I'm almost ashamed of my blog when I think about how more and more people have their nose in the internet, instead of in good books...
Things as they are, why pay 20 bucks for a new book when you might be able to get it at no cost whatsover... Still, we don't want the publishers to go completely out of business - so the next time you're in Barnes and Noble, head over to the Philosophy or Literature section and buy a great classic (i.e. The Complete Works of Plato)! Shows those publishers you don't want cheap modern tripe! (Personally, its become a good habit not to read much published after the 1950s).
And, if you're a cool cat looking for free literature, check out Find most of the classics online - at no charge - any day of the week.
I ate my complete works of Playdo.
Posted by: Adam Donaghey | May 24, 2006 at 12:02 PM
O.K. The cat is just too funny. So is the punning:)
Posted by: texasyankee | June 26, 2006 at 04:20 PM