I've got a long reading list already... trying to finish my education reading the great Philosophers... but I'm anxious to hear any reviews from someone who has read this book! I'm a concerned citizen, and am troubled about where our country is going - and I want to know the facts. If you've read this, tell me what you thought about its relevance... or why you disagreed.
Personally, I think anyone who's anyone should just read Marcus Aurelius's 'Meditations.' Its almost 2000 years year old... full of self-help advice... chock full of sham and scam busting techniques... and on the whole, quite beneficial (save a few things here and there).
"The Self-Help and Actualization Movement (the titular SHAM) is, according to Salerno, an $8-billion-a-year industry that depends on legions of repeat customers."
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