The Fog of War
Directed by: Errol Morris Year: 2003
Won an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature
I encourage every educated American adult to watch this film… I think McNamara deals fairly and honestly with the issues, and he presents the complexities and disturbing realities that several US presidencies had to deal with. This piece is especially educational for anti-war activists from any era… to relay a vivid point… Yes, at times the US Military did not have a firm hand on international conflicts and relations, and it made many mistakes – BUT consider some of the more dreadful alternative scenarios that might have occurred instead, had our country not tried to protect itself and its interests effectively – in the Fog of War. This one gets a Platinum Kierkegaardian stamp! See Wikipedia for more details.
"I think the human race needs to think more about killing and about conflict... is that what we want in this 21st Century?" -- Robert McNamara
McNamara summarizes some lessons learned in Global Politics:
- Empathize with your enemy.
- Rationality will not save us.
- There's something beyond one's self.
- Maximize efficiency.
- Proportionality should be a guideline in war.
- Get the data.
- Belief and seeing are both often wrong.
- Be prepared to reexamine your reasoning.
- In order to do good, you may have to engage in evil.
- Never say never.
- You can't change human nature.
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